Nikke2, 38v


Moi! Olen ranskalainen/saksalainen mies ja olen asunut helsingissä noin kolme vuotta. Muttä nyt se on aika löytää tyttöystäväsi tai joku kuka haluaa viettää aika kanssa. En ole varma että löydän mitä haluan tällä, mutta minä vain yritän ;)

(Yep grammar still bad, but I am working on it; therefore more in english).

So what about me? Bon..bref, well, studying and doing research at the same time. Most of my time I try to develop myself and get more experience. I like to go out and discover new things. Concerning work and life I prefer to do things properly (either do it 100% right or not at all), I don't like people saying they will do things and then they won't (also in their private life). So to have someone that is reliable is important to me.

I am passionate in many things and love traveling (but also can stay at home without any bad feelings), cooking and enjoying wine. It has been a while that I was able to either do some dancing, sailing (catamaran) or play some golf, so it would be nice if you are interested in joining one of these hobbies, or even better, maybe introduce me into one of your hobbies! I appreciate someone who has a good knowledge background and also know manners. For me holding the door open for someone as saying thank you and please is important as showing other people respect (yep, perfect choice for me to come to Finland, someone might say, but I still love Finland in many other ways!)

What else? Puhh... personally I don't think from reading all this you might not get a good picture about someone's personality, but at least I hope I gave you an idea about myself. If you are curious enough or at least still interested to find out more do not hesitate to mail me. :)

Mainoskatko - Sisältö jatkuu alla
Mainoskatko loppuu

À bientôt

PS: People with strong religious belief and background don't need to address me. Thank you.

38 v
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